크로스 플랫폼 개발을위한 구글의 Flutter UI 툴킷은 2 년 밖에되지 않았지만 많은 개발자들에게 선택의 틀이되었다. 지금까지 '크로스 플랫폼'은 Android와 iOS 만 언급했습니다. 작년 말, 구글 은 모바일과 웹을 넘어서는 혼란을 겪을 것이라고 발표 했다. 오늘 I / O 개발자 회의에서 웹용 Flutter의 첫 번째 기술 미리보기가 시작되었습니다.
구글은 또한 플러터 (Flutter) 개발자들이 곧 macOS, 윈도우, 리눅스 를 타깃 으로 할 수있게 될 것이라고 발표했다. 플럼터를보다 많은 임베디드 디바이스에 적용 할 예정인 이 회사는 이미이 프레임 워크를 사용하여 구글 홈 허브의 경험을 강화하고있다.
Flutter의 팀장 인 Tim Sneath는 "원래 Flutter를 처음부터 모바일 용 맞춤형 경험을 구축 할 수있는이 아름답고 빠르며 생산적인 오픈 소스 툴킷으로 만들었습니다. "이번 주에 가장 큰 소식은 우리가 마침내 모바일을 넘어 플러터를 열어 Flutter에 대한 광범위한 비전을 모바일, 임베디드 및 데스크탑을위한 범용 휴대용 UI 툴킷으로 자리 매김한다는 것입니다."
By default, Flutter apps are written in Google’s Dart language, which can be compiled to JavaScript. In that respect, bringing Flutter to the browser seems straightforward, but getting the Flutter engine up to production quality in the browser took some engineering work. The team, Sneath noted, was especially keen on making sure that Flutter would work just as well in the browser as it does on mobile and to ensure that both the developer and user experience remain the same.
“The challenge is really how to bring it down to the client and create these rich Flutter-based experiences that can take advantage of the standards-based web,” he said. Going to the web also means addressing basic things like resizable windows, but also support for interacting with keyboards and mice.
Those same requirements also apply to the desktop, of course, where the code isn’t quite production-ready yet. Developers, however, can now start experimenting with these features. The team says that the macOS version is currently the most mature, though if you are brave enough, you can try building for Windows and Linux, too.
The team also wanted to build this in a way that there will be one Flutter code base and that there would be no need to fork the framework or the applications that developers build on top of it to support these different platforms. “Our expectation is that we will be able to deliver one framework for all of these places,” said Sneath and stressed that we’re talking about native code, even on the desktop, not a web app that pretends to be a desktop app.
Sneath showed me a demo of the New York Times puzzle app on mobile and the web and the experience was identical. That’s the ideal scenario for Flutter developers, of course.
With today’s update, Google is also introducing a few new features to the core Flutter experience. These include new widgets for iOS and Google’s Material Design, support for Dart 2.3’s UI-as-code features and more. The Flutter team also announced an ML Kit Custom Image Classifier for Flutter to help developers build image classification workflows into their apps. “You can collect training data using the phone’s camera, invite others to contribute to your datasets, trigger model training, and use trained models, all from the same app,” the team writes in today’s announcement.
앞으로이 팀은 텍스트 선택 및 복사 / 붙여 넣기, 플러그인 지원 및 Progressive Web Apps와 같은 새로운 기술에 대한 즉시 사용 가능한 지원에 대한 개선 된 지원을 도입 할 계획입니다.